If there is one thing that clients regularly ask me about, it’s how to slow down the aging process. It’s understandable! None of us like to age; we want to look great and feel healthy and vibrant throughout life. As we age, however, body function tends to decrease, and we experience unwanted side effects. There is good news, however. Recent scientific discoveries combined with ancient technologies make staying healthy and youthful more possible than ever before.

What are the three specific therapeutic actions that—when used together—will help you improve your health and turn back the hands of time? Intermittent fasting, prophylactic, low-dose metformin, and supplementation with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD+) are a powerful. Let’s take a look at each of these now.

Intermittent Fasting

Fasting has been practiced for centuries to heal a sick body, promote longevity, and rest, balance, and conserve energy at critical times. Today, the practice of fasting—intermittent fasting (IF), in particular—is being used for the same purposes. Specific to anti-aging, fasting lowers blood pressure and cholesterol and stabilizes blood sugar. It also improves overall cellular and metabolic health while reducing the risk of cancer and lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, Alzheimer’s, and obesity. Additionally, fasting increases the activation of stem cells—the body’s master cells from which all other cells are generated. Improving stem cell function slows aging! Click here to read my full blog on Intermittent Fasting.


Managing blood sugar is a critical factor in reducing the effects of aging and the risk of chronic disease; this is where the popular oral diabetes medicine, metformin, comes in. Metformin not only improves insulin sensitivity, but it reduces the accumulation of advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs), Advanced glycation endproducts are damaged fats and proteins that age body tissues (including the skin) and worsen degenerative diseases. Metformin’s protective benefits extend to safeguarding critical molecules such as proteins and DNA; it also produces glutathione—a powerful and important antioxidant that reduces cell damage in tissues, including the skin. In this way, metformin has anti-cancer, anti-inflammatory properties and can guard against a host of degenerative and genetic disorders. As it relates to the skin, metformin can block the effects of progerin—a type of protein responsible, in part, for the unsightly signs of aging, such as sagging skin, fine lines, and wrinkles. Click here to read my full blog on Metformin.

NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide)

Found in virtually all living cells, NAD+ (the charged form of NAD) is a coenzyme (a helper molecule for a biochemical reaction) critical to metabolism. NAD+ is essential to life, and scientists continue to discover new ways that it contributes to longevity. So far, research has demonstrated that NAD+ can reduce chemical stress and inflammation, repair DNA, regulate immune pathways, and decrease mitochondria dysfunction. Therefore, NAD+ protects our energy-producing capacity while shielding us from chronic disease. Click here to read my full blog on NAD.

For several reasons, many of us do not eat as well as we could, get enough exercise and sleep, or engage in other healthy activities that predict a longer life. These lifestyle changes can be challenging to incorporate. That’s why it’s crucial to bring in reinforcements. Not only can the powerful trio of intermittent fasting, metformin, and NAD slow aging, it can improve your health now and well into the future.


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